Managing Director Heiko Baufeld and Vice President Engineering Dr. Andreas Löffler jointly handed over the new building to the employees of iinovis GmbH, Wolfsburg site.
Welcome to Wolfsburg iinovis!
„Stormy” Welcome! to Wolfsburg iinovis!
Whether it was just a coincidence that storm “Eugen” passed over Germany on 04.05.2021 of all days will remain unclear. In any case, it was a stormy opening of the new offices and workspace in the new home of iinovis in Wolfsburg. Since 03.05.2021, all projects from the business areas of vehicle development, electrics & electronics, simulation, prototyping & small series and testing have been processed at the new location at Westrampe 3/5.
More than 120 employees will find top-equipped workplaces that meet the latest standards and are future-proof in over 2500m² of office space and the shop floor. All relevant work areas are also TISAX-certified and approved by the local OEM, so that we can continue to work on future technologies, parts and vehicles.