

iinovis GmbH 
Bergrat-Bilfinger-Str. 5
74177 Bad Friedrichshall

Represented by
Andreas Gross

Phone: +49 (0) 7136 / 999-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7136 / 999-299
E-Mail: [email protected]

Commercial register: County Court of Stuttgart HRB 107064

Sales tax identification number: DE 812884810

iinovis Testing Spain S.L.
C/Lugarico Viejo 10
E-04628 Antas

Represented by

Alejandro Simón Flores Roca

Phone.: +34 (0) 950 4590-44
Fax: +34 (0) 950 4590-45
E-Mail: [email protected]

Commercial register: Registro Mercantil de Almería, hora AL-24773, tomo 1013, folio140

Sales tax identification number: CIF B04516498


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